Exploring Kennebunkport: Day 2 of 3

Taq Karim
2 min readJul 23, 2017

This auto-generated post chronicles Samantha and Taqqui’s adventures in Kennebunkport, ME by aggregating photos and comments shared by Taq on a daily basis for the entire duration of their trip.

Whoopie pie is pretty popular in Maine. (Source)
🍳 🍳 🍳 at Squaretoes (Source)
Our friends had no claim to the blueberry 🥞 but they are on point ☝️ 👌 (Source)
Believe it or not we are right in front of town center (Source)
To the bookstore! Of murders, mainely. (Source)
The ultimate game of find the cat… (Source)
Picking up some ME blueberries to the tunes of some quality 🎻 🔊 🔊 (Source)
Trying this out for the first time (Source)
Maine Diner had a bit of a wait, so we went across the street to Bull N Claw. This monster of a sandwich was actually very affordably priced — and 2 feet long! Probably our best meal here so far (Source)
Here is a house that I thought looked nice (Source)
So good we’re back for take two. This time, Samantha got a spicy flavor called the “Banna Red Hot”. I got vanilla. (Source)
Here’s a list of all their offerings for the day. @rococoicecream (Source)

This daily digest was automatically generated from a service dreamed up by two engineers while they discussed travel plans over delicious street food. If you’re interested in product updates, join their newsletter. They promise to treat your email like the One Ring: keep it secret, keep it safe.

Built by your boy Taq Karim with webscript, pullups, a can of redbull, lua, and ❤️️



Taq Karim

Engineering @Oracle , Faculty @GA + @BaruchCollege . Prior: @PlaceExchange , @sharehoney , @RubensteinTech , @joinpursuit , @TheKingsCollege